XIRUS delivered this project in partnership with Oliyon for a large Australian construction organisation

● Legacy Azure foundations based on classic Azure deployment model
● Manually deployed Azure resources with inconsistent configuration
● No guardrails for cloud environment
● Business-critical applications manually built and deployed on-premises
● Single application environment
● Deployment of new Azure foundations using industry best practices
● Foundations (including hybrid networks and Domain Controllers) deployed using Pulumi Infrastructure as Code and GitHub Actions pipelines
● Azure Security Center enabled to monitor cloud security posture
● CI/CD processes applied to business-critical applications leveraging Pulumi and GitHub Actions

● Robust and consistent Azure foundations based on industry best practices
● Cost-efficient Azure foundations
● Fully automated DevOps infrastructure using deployment pipelines and Infrastructure as Code allowing for easier change management
● Deployment of new environments for business-critical applications enabling developers to test changes without impact to live environment